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About Pilates

Pilates targets the deep postural muscles, building strength from the inside out, rebalancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment. It helps reshape your body, making it leaner and more toned and improves your posture, achieving the perfect balance between strength and flexibility. Pilates is a great way to relieve unwanted stress and tension providing a calmer, more relaxed mind.

It takes its name from Joseph Pilates, a German-born gymnast who devised the exercise method in the early part of the nineteenth century.

Long popular among dancers, gymnasts and others who knew of it, Pilates has now been discovered by a wider public – from those who want a stronger, healthier back or flatter stomach to those recovering from an injury or operation. Pilates can help.


A Symbol of Excellence in Pilates

Body Control Pilates is based on the work of Joseph Pilates and teaches good movement skills step-by-step, which will ultimately give you the strength and flexibility you need to perform the more advanced classical Pilates exercises.

Teachers work to a Code of Practice that governs teaching standards and professional ethics. Body Control Pilates is widely seen as a benchmark for safe and effective teaching of the highest quality

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